• 13 July 2020

  • Suppliers

Safe Sanitation Project

Tea Promoters India was founded 40 years ago with the idea of promoting sustainable human development in tea growing regions of India, and to champion and pioneer organic and Fairtrade movements in the tea sector. 40 years on, this commitment to building intentional and conscious communities in their tea gardens continues to drive their organisation.

Two intiatives driven by Tea Promoters India to support their ethical and sustainable commitments, have focused on the provision of safe sanitation, and managing the conflict created by movement of elephants through the tea gardens.  With information kindly shared by TPI, learn more below about about the Safe Sanitation Project (or take a look here for more about Elephantea!).

Sanitation Project in Chardwar, Assam
'Unsafe sanitation and waste treatment was an important topic of concern for us in Chardwar. With water scarcity becoming a glaring issue in these regions, building conventional toilets was turning out to be an expensive option. We partnered with an NGO called 'Garv Toilets' which specialises in building environment friendly community toilets in rural India. We built a set of two prefabricated, stainless steel toilets in Chardwar as part of our pilot project. The toilets that are easy to clean, maintain and consume less water. They also come equipped with an underground bio digester tank.

The project has been operating successfully for many months now and our goal in the coming months is to ensure that all our community members have access to safe, clean and sustainable water and sanitation facilities at their workplace.'
